On Thursday 18th October former Deputy Secretary to Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Mr William Soaki, was Commissioned as Solomon Islands Permanent Resident to the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
The Commissioning ceremony witnessed by senior Foreign Affairs officials and Soaki’s family members was administered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Milner Tozaka.
In Commissioning Mr Soaki, Minister Tozaka reminded him that the task ahead as Solomon Islands Permanent Representative to PIFS was first and foremost to represent and promote the interests of the Government of Solomon Islands by providing sound advice and deliberation on all matters during his tenure of office.
“Your full commitment is therefore expected as you are the link between the Solomon Islands Government and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat,” Mr. Tozaka said.
Mr Soaki in accepting his Credentials said he was humbled by the trust and confidence the Government had in him to take up this responsibility and pledged to do his utmost best to serve the interest of the country during his tenure in Office.
“The task ahead is huge but I am confident to do my best in discharging the duties bestowed on me by our Government,” Mr Soaki said.
Former Deputy Secretary Soaki has had over 14 years’ experience in Foreign Affairs and previously served abroad as Minister Counsellor in Solomon Islands High Commission to Papua New Guinea before being appointed as Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Soaki is also the High Commissioner-designate of Solomon Islands to the Republic of Fiji.
Mr Soaki will travel to Suva to take up posting with his wife, Pauline, and three children, Ashanti, Ulric and Isabella.