Solomon Islands Government Portal

Connect with our various sectors to access more information on the Solomon Islands!

Connect to Solomon Islands Government Ministries and Relevant  Institutions

The Solomon Islands Government has a total of 24 Ministerial portfolios to execute the Government’s policies and provide services to the general populace.

You can access all information and services offered by the Solomon Islands Government via the SIG Portal Service online.

You can also visit the following Ministry’s websites to access more information on their programs and activities: 

Other relevant agencies and institutions can also be accessed via the following links:

Connect to Solomon Islands Tourism

Visit our Happy Isles! 

To access more information on tourism spots to explore in our Happy Isles visit the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau. 

Other useful links:

Connect to Solomon Islands Private Sector

Connect with Solomon Islands Private Sector and explore the potential of business and investment opportunities in the Solomon Islands by visiting the;


Connect to Solomon Islands Civil Society Organizations

The Development Services Exchange (DSE) is the national umbrella body for civil society organizations in the Solomon Islands. It was established in 1984, with the mission of strengthening effective civil society coordination.

DSE works to achieve this by:

 coordinating civil society engagement with the national government, donors and development partners;
 facilitating information information-sharing and exchange;
 fostering quality leadership; and
 promoting good governance practices for development effectiveness

For more information you can contact the DSE Office on the following details:

Development Services Exchange Office

Lombi Crescent, Chinatown

Honiara, Solomon Islands 

phone 23760 | email [email protected] 
Or check out their Facebook Page: ‘District Services Exchange’